To justify their study work or employment history, all of us must prepare a compelling research paper in an academic setting or a professional CV for job application purposes. Although it may initially seem difficult, writing these is necessary to validate your work. It may initially appear difficult if you are unfamiliar with academic and personal profile writing. As research papers and CV structures differ throughout fields, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with the format required before starting to write. Writing a research paper and CV will be much easier if you create a structure with different headings. This blog will describe the fundamental format and elements of a research paper and CV.
Research Paper Structure
- Introduction and Literature Review: The introduction is crucial to a research paper. The introduction should begin with a topic summary and then explain the problem and why it must be solved. A literature review should provide topical context in this part. The literature review should cover pioneering publications and the latest relevant studies. The literature review should conclude with a few sentences summarising the domain’s research gap. Here, you explain the lack of research on your topic and argue for more. The definition of the research question or hypothesis is ideal here. The introduction should conclude with your work. After establishing the research gap, PhD Research Paper Writing Help in UAE recommends explaining your approach and how you’ll solve the problem. Your job should be clearly outlined, including its major and secondary goals. Provide the paper’s organisation to conclude. Word cloud diagrams help structure research papers.
- Materials and Methods: The materials and methods portion of your research paper should detail your method’s implementation. This should be written such that any researcher in the same field may reproduce it. Include the technical information of the experimental setup, measurement process, and relevant parameters in this section. Please mention how the procedures were validated and evaluated before use. Explaining the process with equations, figures, and tables is advised. As you structure the study report, add mock names for figures and tables. Say your strategy involves data collection and hiring. If so, include sample size, population characteristics, interview process, and recruiting methods. It should also describe consenting and inclusion/exclusion criteria. Statistical approaches for data processing and significance testing can conclude this section.
- Results and Discussion: Results and Discussion should conclude your study work. Your experiments’ outcomes can be explained in the results section with sufficient scientific evidence. Highlight your significant findings to explain scientific data to readers. Include any bad or unexpected discoveries from your research. Data must be presented impartially. Explain how the current results compare to similar literature data. Summarise your work and explain how you met research goals in the discussion. Highlight how your study will benefit the scientific community and practical applications. This section must solely discuss paper content. Your discussion section must address your work’s limits; no scientific effort is perfect. You can explain inconclusive results in your work. Papers must conclude with conclusions and future work. In conclusion, repeat your goals and summarise your main findings in two or three sentences. Explain your future plans and how more research can improve the field. For completion, add ‘Acknowledgments’ and ‘References’ to the study paper.
Structure of a CV or Resume
- Personal Information: Your name, address, and contact information should go here. You do not need to disclose your age, marital status, or nationality.
- Personal Profile: This is your mini-advert, so keep it to a few lines. Summarise your abilities, employment history, and professional goals.
- Work History and Experience: First, highlight your current or recent job. Include your employer, dates, job title, and responsibilities. Emphasise skills employers may want. For sound advice or professional support, seek help from CV Writing Help Dubai.
- Education and Training: Start with your latest credentials. This section of your CV might be presented using bullet points or tables.
- Achievements and Interests: Only job-related information or skills like charity event organisation or volunteering should be included in this area.